Resource Description:
Used as a basic currency for buying and selling goods. It is also used in the training of soldiers,
Wizards and Scientists. Another use for gold is in the payment of repairs to your buildings. It is
good to keep a supply of gold for emergencies.
Wood and Stone
Two of the most basic building materials. The Stone can be mined or recovered from around the
landscape. You will need a Foresters Hut to collect wood from the trees.
Coal, Steel and Ore
The Coal is used in the refinery to create Gold and Steel. It is also used in the process of making
armour. The Ore is broken down in the refinery to form Gold and Steel. The steel is used to
create Armour and sometimes as a building material.
A very important resource. Used for refreshing your people in it's basic form and used in the
Brewery to create Wine. The water is also used by some buildings as part of production.
Used in the Laboratory as a part of experiments and it is also used by the Peasants to set fire to
buildings. Without this element you will not be able to develop new technologies and the torch
building command will not be available.
Armour is sometimes used in the Building process to create strong forts. It is also used in the
process of training Soldiers.
All foods work in the same way but certain activities require different groups of food. The soldiers
working in the forts will enjoy eating Bread and Wine while the scientists like to eat Fish and
Vegetables while they are working. The Wine can be used to increase morale among your
population but it doesn't have a good affect on health.
Vegetables, Fruit & Water
Vegatables, Fruit and Water forms the basic food supply of your Settlement. Always ensure
a good flow of these items. Never allow your Stores to run out of these items unless you
have a very good supply of other food.
Bread, Wheat & Fish
You should try to supply a good amount of Bread or Fish. If you can supply a little
of each type then that is even better. Make sure that your Bakery has enough Wheat and
Water to create the Bread.
Wine & Meat
These are the least important food types but a settlement that can provide them will gain
a lot of strength and morale from the wide range of foods. The Meat is only available in
higher Tech Levels where a Food Factory in present. The Wine is easy to make once you have
a Brewery and can help to raise morale and supply the Tavern building with good supplies.
Used by the Wizards to create buildings, trees and other Wizard type activities. Without Magic the
world of Foundation will be out of your control and you will become defenceless to attacks such
as fire. Magic is also needed as part of ongoing building repairs.
The Idea element is really just a Blue Print containing new ideas developed by the scientists. As
soon as the idea arrives in a Storage building it can be used to upgrade your technology in the
form of new buildings, character commands or upgrades.
The Cross represents the Soul of a dead person. When a member of your population dies the
Cross will appear as the last remains. These Crosses can be recycled in the Crematorium to
produce Magic.
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